Below you will find scoring guides and samples of student work for released items from the spring 2018 MCAS tests. Scoring guides and student work samples are provided for the following item types: open-response items, constructed-response items, essay questions, and writing prompts (grade 10 ELA Composition only).
This particular assignment has an argumentative piece in the final section, so we must teach students how to take the different parts of an academic body paragraph and build the claim, concession, counterargument, and refutation. The latter three may not be necessary at the sixth grade level.
hatchet argumentative essay sample 6th grade
This page provides access to each released essay item, constructed-response item, open-response item, and writing prompt included on the MCAS tests from 2017 to 2022 (except 2020); the scoring guide that accompanies each item; and samples of student work at each score point for the item. Taken together, the items, the scoring guides, and the corresponding student work provide a picture of the expectations for student performance on the MCAS tests. 2ff7e9595c